In exactly one month from today, I will be able to 重见天日! Yes, exactly one month from today, there will be a new-born hunk on the surface of the world. Watch out (baby) girls, Aunties and grandmas, be prepare for a massacre. *wink wink blow kisses*
Aunt is pretty excited. I overheard her telling Mummy that she can finally have a nephew to "rough it out". I dont exactly understand what's she's trying to say. Is she going to teach me wrestling and football? I think Aunt is trying very hard to be a fun Aunt. *LOL* The last few days, Aunt was trying to play "knock knock" game with me. She was so excited when I stretched and responded. Adults are so easy to satisfy. But anyway, I quite like her. She had already bought a romper for me.
Cant wait for 28 February to arrive. I wonder if I will look like Daddy or Mummy. Maybe I will look like him.