On 28 February 2008, after a whole series of hoohah, i was finally expunged from Mummy at 1056 am at NUH. It was not a pretty sight and it was not a good time as I was too overly excited the night before and thus didn't sleep. That account for my crying when the surgeons took me out from mummy womb. They were apparently disturbing my beauty sleep. But of course jokes aside, I am glad to be out of mummy as it was so hot in there and i didnt really have much leg room. The first face i saw whose voice i could recognise was daddy... he was busy snapping photographs and he almost blinded me with the repetitive flashes. But of course i feel like a celebrity in the midst of a pararazzi media onslaught and it feel kinda good.
Daddy and mummy have been showering so much attention to jie jie and I think it is about time I get some of it also.
Ok I need to sleep already... Anyway that what i do anyway...